Sunday, April 25, 2010

Buy Local

Locally owned businesses help the local economy. Chain stores don't. A study done in Chicago found
For every $100 in consumer spending with a local firm, $68 remains in the comunity

Shop at Locally Owned Businesses
Buy everything, including food, from locally-owned businesses. Even better, whenever possible buy not just from local businesses but from local producers (farmers, craftsmen, manufacturers).
The more food, goods and services that are produced within your community, the more you can depend on those things continuing to be produced. Because they will require little or no transport, they will be much less dependent on oil supplies, except for that needed in their production
You are invited Organizational Meeting
Be a part of our version of an old fashion farm stand.
This meeting is for all clubs, volunteers and service groups who wish to help.Many years ago Wheeling had some of the best farm stands. Bartman's on Milwaukee ave. The Koeppen's on Dundee Road Wheeling Farms the Horcher,s to name just a few.Meeting Date Saturday May 1, 2010Time: 9 AMLocation: 251 N Wolf Rd ( Wheeling Park District Chamber Park) Old ChurchPlease contact Bill Hein RSVP 847-650-8985
Our target starting date is July 3 a Saturday from 8: am to 1: pm. " Shop Local Shop Wheeling